Cyberis Blog

Reassuringly clear thinking.

  • Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials De-Perimeterised

In 2004, a ragtag fugitive fleet of CISOs created an international group working to define and promote the concept of de-perimeterisation, known as the Jericho Forum. Ten years on, after many valuable contributions to the security industry, it was declared a success and was finally sunsetted in October 2013.  In the summer that followed, the UK Cyber Essentials scheme was launched – the Government-backed scheme designed to help organisations protect themselves against common online threats.  It rather heavily focused on the importance of well-configured boundary firewalls and border routers in the office and at home! If only the walls of the Jericho Forum had stayed up for a few more months!

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  • Research

Code Roulette: Windows Internal Complexities

Since its inception, the Windows operating system has been a recognizable force within the IT industry and grew increasingly common throughout the 90's and 2000's. Features of the operating system have grown over the last 20 years in response to the changing needs within the industry and shifts in attitudes towards system management, user experience and scale. In the early 2000's Windows dominance was largely driven by a combination of a widely accepted end user experience, flexible server components and a centralized authentication, authorization and configuration solution, Active Directory. Whilst there were some alternatives, the reality was that there was no one stop solution for integration that could compete with Active Directory at scale and as most things are driven by business goals, Active Directory became the central hub of IT operations within a significant portion of the commercial and government markets.

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  • Red teaming

The human cost of social engineering

In the security industry, we will often talk about people being the weak link. We spend our time outlining the ways that people will fail, or be fooled, or will be tricked. Of course it’s important that we, and our customers, understand the fallibility of people in any security assumptions we make. On the other hand, we also have a moral and ethical obligation to look after the very people we are targeting, and to avoid causing undue distress. “Social engineering” is a bloodless, sterile term. We call it “social engineering” because it covers a lot of different bases, and it sounds more professional than the alternative – “lying to people”, “abusing trust”, “betraying relationships”. These are tactics that adversaries use mercilessly and without consideration for the impact on the victims. If we are to accurately simulate the attack chain and the activities of adversaries, then we need to adopt these tactics as well.

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  • News
  • Red teaming

Cyberis Achieves CREST STAR-FS Accreditation

Cyberis has become one of the first cyber security companies to receive accreditation for the CREST STAR-FS framework to deliver intelligence-led penetration testing for the financial sector. The Simulated Target Attack and Response (STAR) scheme has been developed by CREST to meet the needs of Regulators to better understand the current cyber security posture of regulated financial services companies and identify where improvements in security arrangements need to be applied.

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  • Detect and respond

EDR: Is It Worth It?

When working with smaller businesses, sometimes we’re asked whether Endpoint Detection and Response solutions are worth the money, over and above traditional anti-virus.  Much of the time, EDR is used in large enterprises in conjunction with a sizeable technical team of experienced professionals who engage in active response and threat hunting as their full-time job.  It can be difficult for smaller businesses to see where EDR might fit in.

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  • Penetration testing

Building long term partnerships with our customers to deliver the best outcomes from penetration testing programmes

We are a security partner of choice for many of our customers, and we love building long term relationships with our clients.  We appreciate that every business has its unique operational challenges, its own priorities and its own threat environment.  When we work closely with a client over the long term, we get to know what makes them tick and understand the nuances of their environment.  This is a story of how, working with a customer over the long term, we're able to bring extra benefits to the table. 

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  • Tools and techniques

Nessus Scanning With SSH Proxies

Unfortunately, Nessus does not support SSH proxying. This is a problem when scanning remote hosts behind a bastion box, especially when it is not possible to bind or connect to a new port to the bastion box due to firewall rules. Binding a port to localhost and pointing Nessus to is also not an option as Nessus handles scanning localhost in a different way and will report issues with the scanning box itself. In a pinch it is possible to hack around this problem by tricking the Nessus scanner into thinking it’s scanning the remote host when it is in fact connecting via a port bound to the localhost. Iptables to the rescue….

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  • Penetration testing
  • Tools and techniques

Online Password Auditing Of A Domain Controller

Password auditing of a domain traditionally involves obtaining copy of the ntds.dit and performing some offline analysis which can be time consuming. The DSInternals PowerShell Module has an Active Directory password auditing cmdlet which performs checks for default, duplicate, empty and weak passwords. The audit can be performed against a domain online via DCSync, saving the need to obtain a copy of the ntds.dit. This can be of benefit if regular password audits are being performed.

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