Cyberis Blog

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Shared Dictionary Compression Over HTTP (SDCH) - Bypassing Your Filtering Devices

Following Cyberis’ recent articles on bypassing perimeter filtering devices (e.g. proxies, IDS and next-generation firewalls) by manipulating HTTP response headers, we’ve taken a closer look at some more obscure Content-Encoding mechanisms. This article discusses Shared Dictionary Compression over HTTP (SDCH), and the implications for perimeter security controls designed to protect your network from unwanted content.

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  • Tools and techniques

Update To ResponseCoder

Our HTTP Response manipulation tool - ResponseCoder - has been updated to allow manipulation of the HTTP version. Grab an updated copy.

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  • Tools and techniques

ResponseCoder - Manipulation Of HTTP Response Headers

ResponseCoder is designed to allow you to easily manipulate HTTP response headers - specifically to identify weaknesses in perimeter filtering appliances such as web proxies and next generation firewalls. It’s an open source PHP script that formulates HTTP response headers on-the-fly, allowing the operator to form specific test cases as necessary.

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  • Penetration testing
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Finding Hidden Vhosts

During a recent test we observed a number of web servers that had a number vhosts configured, only some of which were discoverable from public DNS records. Internal DNS servers were configured to resolve the remaining ‘hidden’ vhosts served by the web server. Here's how we found them...

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  • Tools and techniques

Loading UDF Files On MySQL 5

Command execution via SQL injection is rarely possible on MySQL 5, as specifying the path to a shared library is not permitted due to security concerns - in other words it is not possible to create a UDF allowing you to run shell commands. Normally, if you can write to the default plugins location (/usr/lib/mysql/plugin), you already have root privileges and it's already game over. With MySQL 4 you could specify the full path to a shared library, so the install of a dangerous function was relatively straightforward. Before giving up altogether however, check to see if you can write to the defined plugin_dir directory...

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'Expect' Scripts To Perform Build Reviews Of Linux/Unix Hosts

A host implementation review, more commonly known as a build review, can provide systems administrators with a comprehensive picture of the security of their build. Typically, a review allows the client to gain assurance of internal build standards and also meet external compliance requirements by assessing the following areas...

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Adding A Pinch Of Salt

Following the recent LinkedIn breach, the company has stated that their current production database contains salted passwords. Obviously this was not the case at the time of the breach (SHA1, unsalted), so a salt value must have been added to improve security. But how can you add a salt value to a password hash, if you don't know the password?

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  • Research
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Testing Access Controls On Large Web Applications

Testing access controls on web applications can be a difficult task if presented with multiple user roles and a large number of pages. Depending on the application, unauthorised access to a page may result in a client error code (40X), a redirect (30X), a straight 200 with an error message within the page, or possibly even a server-side error (50X). This is how we approach the problem...

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